mardi 19 février 2013

4 Reasons For Weight Gain: (1) Low Metabolism

Whether you have a slow, normal or fast metabolism can be attributed partly to
genetics. However we can increase our metabolism by taking some simple steps.
When you can't remember why you exercise just think about this, muscles burn fat
and they continue to burn fat after you have finished your exercise. That's right our
muscles are like having a fat burning furnace inside our bodies. When you sit all
night in front of the TV or computer your muscles are not burning any fat which
also means that your body isn't burning any calories. The result is that the calories
our muscles should be burning, but aren't because we are sitting around, are now
turned into fat by our bodies. This is exactly what we don't want.
If you exercise the following occurs:
 You build and/or tone your muscles.
 The muscles in your body need fuel so they burn the stored fat.
 As you exercise you raise your heart rate which is beneficial to your entire
 You finish your exercise but your muscles continue to require fuel so they
continue to burn the stored fat. When you are active your entire body
benefits, heart, lungs, muscles, joints, and mind, and all this will increase
your metabolism which makes it easier for you to lose weight.

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