mardi 19 février 2013

Why Do You Want To Lose Weight?

Seems like an obvious question doesn’t it? Scratch beneath the surface
and you will find your true motivation that will keep you dedicated
until you achieve your goal.
What do you hope to get out of this program?
Why do you want to lose weight?
Is it simply because it was on your New Year's resolution list of goals
to achieve?
Is it for a reunion you’ll be attending?
Is it for a holiday?
Is it to fit into last summer's jeans or maybe your favorite little black
I know it’s difficult, we are bombarded by images of all the 'beautiful
people'. These images set, what the advertising media, the 'ideal'
image. What is that? For women it is begin a size 2, perfect hair and
impeccable makeup. For the men it is ripped abs, a 28 inch waist and
a muscular body.
The media manipulates us into believing that these images are what
we need but that is not how most of us look or will ever look.
We are all different and the world is a richer place for it. Just because
we may not be 100 pounds, leggy and 5 feet 11 doesn’t mean that we
are not beautiful.
The vast majority of us will never meet those 'goals' but so many
people try. If you are over-weight, you know that the weight is not
who you are but you are being judged on the extra weight. You know
that the person inside you is so much more than the weight and you
need to lose the weight for other people to see that.
Just remember, you are a unique and wonderful person and with the
correct plan and action you will look great and be healthier.
So why do you want to lose weight? Everyone wants to look their best
but is that the only reason? Are there deeper and more meaningful
reasons to lose weight?
To lose weight you need a truly compelling reason to be successful.
You will need a reason that you can hold onto and work towards.
You need a more compelling reason so you can to stick with your
program over the long haul because sometime along the way you will
confront obstacles and roadblocks and your reason to lose weight must
be compelling enough to push you through and over these temporary
You need to be completely committed to your goal so that when you
have a bad day you can resist the chocolate cake, a bowl of ice cream
or whatever your food of 'pleasure' is. When your mind is screaming at
you to eat something it is because you are looking for comfort and
relief, will your reason to lose weight be strong enough to resist these
Hopefully it will but for many these moments will derail their weight
loss efforts and many will never get back on track. Your reason to lose
weight must be more powerful than a piece of chocolate cake, ice
cream or anything else.
The chocolate cake is so difficult to resist because it is staring you
right in the face. It is there right in front of you and your reason to
lose weight seems very far away. Your reaction to the emotions is a
reaction that has been present in your life for years. It is a learned
response to stress and your emotions. When you confront these
emotions it is very difficult to see past them but to be successful you
must understand that you have to take control of your emotions and
never lose sight of your goals. your goals will change your life, a piece
of chocolate cake will not.
Having said that, if you haven’t done so before, think of a worthwhile
purpose to lose the weight.
There are so many reasons to lose weight maybe you want to lose
weight because you want:
 A healthy body.
 To have a long and healthy life.
 To be able to go out and have fun and not be limited by my
 To be proud of my appearance.
 To be strong enough and have the energy to live my lifeand
enjoy my grandkids.
The key to your success with weight loss adn life is to create a goal
that is so compelling and has such a deeper meaning for you that
nothing can deter you from achieving this goal. A New Year's Eve
resolution will not work. Take the time to create a goal that has true
meaning in your life. If you take the time to do this you will find that
the chocolate cake, the ice cream or anything else will not have any
power over you and then you will be well on your way to successful
weight loss.
So why should you lose weight? Quite simply, because you are worth it
and you deserve to have a full and truly wonderful life. You will have
the energy to fulfill the promise of that life and the desire to live that
So get to it, think of your compelling purpose. Think of a dozen, the
more the better. Create a dynamic, life-altering list of reasons and
goals. Start today so that tomorrow you will be one day closer to your
dream weight.

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