mardi 19 février 2013

To Increase Your Metabolism:

 Start out with an exercise routine that lasts 20 minutes and repeat the
routine 3 times a week. This will begin to raise your metabolism and get you
on the right path to lose weight.
 Portion control. We have developed a distorted concept of the amount of
food that we should consume at each meal. To make it easy always think
smaller. Begin to plan for 5-6 small meals a day. The plan would include a
healthy breakfast, then a small healthy snack, lunch, another small snack and
then a healthy dinner. The healthy snacks will keep your metabolism at a
good rate and will also prevent you from having a craving to go get
something sweet and unhealthy.
 EAT!!!! Never starve yourself because you will force your body to go into
‘starvation mode’. We spoke briefly about this but it bears repeating, if your
body senses that it is not receiving adequate nourishment it will begin to
store fat. This is a recipe for disaster if you are trying to lose weight. Your
body will win and the pounds will not come off.
 Walk. At every opportunity find a reason to walk. It can be as simple as
parking your car far away from the building you work in so your walk is
long or you can walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Be creative
and find opportunities to walk. If you can schedule the time a 30 minute
walk at least three times a week will work wonders for your health and
 Never and I mean NEVER skip breakfast. Your body has been resting
and repairing for the last 8 hours and now it needs fuel to get you going for
the day. Take the time to plan a healthy breakfast and don't settle for the
easy route of grabbing a donut or other pastry.
 Understand your eating habits. How and what you eat will determine, to a
large extent, your ability to lose weight. Do you sit down for a huge dinner
loaded with carbs, fats and sweets? At meal time do you have a smaller
portion of lean meats, veggies and carbs? Do you take your time enjoying
your meal or do you eat as fast as you can? Examine your patterns of eating
and see which patterns you can alter the easiest and then begin making the
necessary changes.

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