mardi 19 février 2013

Let’s Get Started! In

In the morning when you get dressed are you frustrated with the image you see in
the mirror? What’s happened to your body, your tummy is getting flabby, your
waist is getting wider and your hips are getting heavier. If that wasn't enough you
look at your face and see a few wrinkles starting and a little extra jiggle under your
What can you do to stop this from getting worse and what is happening to your
body when you gain weight. These are the questions that I will answer in this
article. I will show you how to lose weight and keep it off.
It is a national 'sport' to 'people watch' at the beach. But when you do this you find
yourself comparing your body to every slim, tanned and toned body you see. It is a
cruel fact of nature that there are some people who never have to watch what they
eat, who don't have to exercise much, and who just are blessed with a metabolism
that burns fast. These people never think about how much they are eating, when
they are eating, or how many calories they are consuming.
We place so much importance on our weight, why is our weight so important? The
simple truth is two reasons - how we look and how we feel.

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