mardi 19 février 2013

How You Eat ?

What does a typical meal look like? Is your plate filled with fatty foods that
are high in calories? These foods are difficult for your body to utilize and
you put yourself at a greater risk of the FATAL FOUR if this type of food is
on you plate. Examples would be deep fried foods, fast food French fries,
rich creamy sauces.
 Are you a fast eater? The rate at which you eat your dinner is important. If
you eat too fast your brain does not get the signal that you are full until you
have over eaten. The easiest method to slow yourself down at a meal is to
put your fork down between bites. Take the time to taste your food and
enjoy what you are eating before you pick up your fork for more.
 When you take your time to chew your food that allows the saliva in your
mouth longer to break down the food. Give your body every chance it has to
break down the food and extract all the nutrients it can.
 Portion size: Eat smaller but more often. We discussed this earlier; you can
increase your metabolism by giving it a constant source of fuel to break
down. It is also easier on your stomach and digestive system to have smaller
amounts of food to break down. Be nice to your body and it will pay you
huge dividends.

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