mardi 19 février 2013

The Quickest Way to Lose Weight: 100 Top Tips 2013

  1. "What is the Healthiest Way to Lose Weight?"
    This is a question weight conscious people ask time and again!
    So here is a short report featuring 100 top tips to help you lose weight
    naturally and fast.
    At first glance, this list may appear a little daunting.
    However the important thing to remember is that to make big changes in your
    weight, you only have to make a few small changes at a time, until your ideal
    weight is achieved and maintained.
    Never forget successful weight loss is about LIFESTYLE CHANGE not crash
    dieting, which all of us know, never works in the long run.
    So work through the suggestions, one at a time and try to pick just a couple of
    ideas that you can TAKE ACTION on now, and then come back in a couple of
    days and pick a few more.
    OK … So you want to know how to lose weight naturally and fast?
    …. well here goes:.
    1. Drink Plenty of Water.
    Our body needs lots of water … so give it water! Water is not just a way to
    flush out toxins and impurities. If you have more water in your system you will
    generally feel healthier, and less hungry. Dehydration is also a major cause of
    headaches and migraine. And of coarse, water has no calories at all!
    As soon as you wake up, have a glass of water. It’s a wonderful way to start
    your day and you only need a small glass with your breakfast after that.
    Drinking lots of water cleanses your stomach and digestive system. You may
    have your morning cup of tea but stick to water after that.
    2. Stay away from sweetened bottled drinks...
    especially sodas. All those colas and fizzy drinks are sweetened with tons of
    sugar and sugar means calories! They are also full of chemicals … flavour
    enhancer's, colouring, preservatives etc. The more you can cut out sweetened
    bottled and canned drinks and the more water you drink, the better you will
    3. Include in your diet fresh food that contains more water
    (eg tomatoes and watermelons). Some foods contain 90 to 95 % water so
    you can feast on them without adding pounds to your waistline!
    4. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice.
    Juice is often sweetened either with sugar or artificial sweeteners, whereas
    fresh fruit only contains natural sugar (sucrose). When you eat fruit, you are
    also taking in a lot of fibre and vitamins, essential for a healthy body.
    5. Increase your fibre intake.
    Your body needs fibre (sometimes called roughage) to assist digestion.
    Soluble fibre is found in varying quantities in all plant foods, including:
    ·peas, soybeans and beans
    · oats, rye, chia and barley
    · prune juice, plums, berries, bananas, apples and pears
    · broccoli, carrots and antichokes, sweet potatoes and onions.
    Sources of insoluble fibre include:
    · whole grain foods
    · wheat and corn bran
    · nuts and seeds
    · potato skins
    · flax and hemp seed
    · lignans
    · green beans, cauliflower courgette's, celery and nopal.
    · avocado and bananas
    · kiwifruit and tomatoes.
    6. Go crazy on vegetables.
    Vegetables (like water) are another “secret weapon” when it comes to losing
    weight fast. Leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to eat, as much
    salad in your diet as you can … you will feel so much healthier if you do!
    7. Eat intelligently.
    The difference between man and beast is that we are driven by intelligence
    while beasts are driven by instinct. Don’t just eat something because you feel
    like eating it. Ask yourself whether your body really needs this piece of food at
    this time … discipline and will power are your keys to long term success.
    8. Control that sweet tooth.
    Remember, sweet things nearly always mean more calories. It is natural that
    we have cravings for sweet things especially chocolates and other
    confectionary. However, take this weight loss tip seriously … go easy on
    sugary things and each time you consume something sweet understand that
    there will be a price to pay!
    9. Set Fixed Times to have meals and stick to it.
    Try to have food at fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half
    an hour, but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern.
    The result will be that famished feeling that puts your diet under pressure and
    could result in you “breaking” and stuffing yourself with loads of “bad food”!
    10. Avoid snacking between meals.
    Do not fall into the trap of constantly snacking between meals. This is
    especially true for those of us who have to travel a lot. We may feel that the
    only way we can get a bite to eat is to use café snacks and junk food. The
    main problem here is that most snacks and junk food are full of fat, sugar, salt
    and saturated oils. Just think … those French fries may look tempting but they
    are terrible nutritionally speaking.
    11. Snack on vegetables.
    You will get pangs of hunger in between meals. However this is something
    that you can control very well. Carry with you a good supply of “snack –
    vegetables”! Try munching on carrots. They are an excellent way to satisfy
    hunger pangs and are also very good for your eyes and teeth. True, you might
    end up being called Bugs Bunny, but its miles better than being called fatso!
    12. Go easy on tea and coffee.
    Tea and coffee are pretty harmless in themselves but when you add the
    milk/cream and the sugar … thats when they become fattening. Did you know
    that having a cup of tea or coffee with cream and two cubes of sugar is as bad
    as having a big piece of rich chocolate cake!
    13. Try to stick to black tea or coffee.
    Black tea or coffee is good for you. But personally I would recommend tea
    rather than coffee. The excess caffeine in coffee is potentially harmful, (esp if
    you drink a lot of it) because it is an alkaloid that affects other functions of
    your body and metabolism.
    14. Count the calories as you eat.
    This is a basic but frequently forgotten tip. These days you can get a good
    idea of what calories are in most food items, as packaged foods tend to have
    the calorie content printed on them.
    15. Burn out those extra calories by the end of the week.
    If you feel that you have consumed more calories than you should have
    during the week, then make sure that you work off those extra calories by the
    end of the week. A momentary lapse is not the end of the world. Remember,
    this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE not a rigid crash diet.
    16. Stay away from fried things.
    Fried things are an absolute no-no. The more you stay away from the frying
    pan, the more weight you will lose! Fried food is generally bad because it is
    fried in oil or fat. And even if the external oil is drained away, there is still a lot
    of oil and fat absorbed by the food itself. So stay away from it.
    17. Do not skip meals.
    One of the worst things that you can do while watching your diet is skip meals.
    Contrary to what you might think, missing meals is bad as it disrupts your
    metabolism, creates terrible hunger pangs (increasing the likelihood that you
    will “break” and start snacking) and if repeated over a long period of time, will
    send your body into “starvation mode”. Try to have at least three regular
    healthy meals every day.
    18. Fresh vegetables are better than cooked or canned vegetables.
    Try to eat your vegetables raw. When you cook them, you are in fact taking
    much of the goodness and vitamins out of them. And canned vegetables are
    processed which means that the food industry will have added all the usual
    “food demons” (sugar, salt, hydrogenated oils, artificial flavourings etc). When
    you buy your vegetables its also good to see if the label says “pesticide free”.
    19. Not more than one egg a day.
    Depending on your metabolism type, too many eggs may not be such a bright
    idea. For most people, it’s best to reduce your intake of eggs to maybe three
    or four a week. But for those of you die hard egg fans, you may have up to
    one egg a day but nothing more than that.
    20. Make chocolate a luxury and not a routine.
    Chocolate is not a part of your new healthy diet! Even bitter (black) chocolates
    are not particularly good for you because even though the sugar is less, there
    is still cream in them. Milk chocolate is full of sugar and cream. So avoid.
    21. If you can say no to alcoholic beverages please do.
    Alcoholic beverages are not good for you. Beer is definitely fattening and most
    other alcoholic drinks are full of sugar and adversely affect your liver if not
    drunk in moderation. The other issue of course, is the fact that the most
    important ingredient in your achieving your target weight is WILL POWER.
    You have done a fantastic job walking past your favourite Chinese takeaway
    all week, but will you still be able to do so after a few drinks with your pals …
    who are all of coarse piling in there to order huge curries!
    22. Try to have breakfast within one hour of waking.
    It’s always best to have a good breakfast within an hour of waking so that your
    body can charge itself with the energy it needs for the day. The idea is not to
    wait until you get really hungry and then end up snacking. Breakfast is
    acknowledged as the most important meal of the day but it is often the meal
    many people neglect the most.
    23. 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates.
    It is a myth that you should try and avoid carbohydrates when you are on a
    diet. Rather the other way round I say. Carbohydrates are a ready source of
    energy and so 50 to 55% of your diet should be carbohydrates.
    24. 25 to 30% of your diet should be proteins.
    Various processes and activities are continually going on in our bodies.
    Things are broken down and being built back up again. Resistance to disease
    has to be built up, recovery from illness too is needed and for all this the body
    needs plenty of proteins. So see to it that 25 to 30 % of your diet consists of
    25. Fats should only be 10 to 15 % of your diet.
    You need only this much of fat so keep it at that.
    26. Try and adopt a vegetarian diet.
    A vegetarian diet is undoubtedly better for those of us watching our weight ...
    even if it is only temporary. There are a lot of big advantages in keeping to a
    vegetarian diet but this is a subject outside the scope of this report. If you
    can’t go totally “veggie”, make a non- vegetarian diet a weekend event or
    something special rather than the norm.
    27. Choose white meat rather than red.
    If you must have your meat, white meat, which includes fish and fowl, is miles
    better than red meat, which includes beef and pork for those of us trying to
    lose weight.
    28. High Fibre multigrain breads are better than white breads.
    Remember how important it is to increase the fibre content of your food; well
    this is one way that you can. Multigrain breads are not only far superior in
    terms of fibre but also have much better protein content as well.
    29. Reduce your intake of pork.
    Pork is not something that can help you to lose weight. The fattiness of pork is
    the reason. So the less pork you eat the better. And remember that pork
    includes pork products, things like bacon, ham and sausages.
    30. Limit your sugar intake.
    Sugar is public enemy number one for people trying to lose weight, and part
    of the “unholy trinity” of sugar, salt and hydrogenated oils. These three
    demons wreck havoc with our healthy eating strategies. Avoid all three as
    much as possible.
    31. Graze 5 to 6 times a day.
    Instead of sticking to just three meals a day, try grazing. Grazing means
    having 5 or 6 smaller meals instead of three king sized meals. It is an
    excellent way of getting your stomach used to smaller quantities of food and
    should mainly consist of fresh fruit and vegetables.
    32. Go ahead cheat … but only occasionally!
    There are many things, which you should avoid when sticking to your new
    healthy lifestyle. However we all suffer from the “fallen flesh” from time to
    time, and one piece of Grandma’s chocolate cake won’t kill you! But make
    these occasional indulgences the exception rather than the rule and try to
    make up for it by eating fewer calories throughout the rest of the day.
    32. Watch your fat intake.
    This is so important. Each fat gram contains 9 calories so by reading the total
    calories on a food and knowing the quantity of fat, you can estimate the % of
    fat, which should in no way exceed 30% of your total food intake.
    33. Go easy on Salt.
    As mentioned (in 30) too much salt is very harmful and one of the major
    causes of obesity. Make a point of really cutting down on salt. Read the labels
    for cans and other processed food, and restrict the amount you use in
    34. Change from Margarine to reduced fat or cholesterol free butter.
    Margarine is arguably one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat and is full of
    chemicals. Modest portions of reduced fat natural butter are much better than
    margarine and other artificial butter substitutes.

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